Swap ETH for DAI
In this simple example, we request a swap from the native ETH for DAI.
// JavaScript
public static async swapETHForDAI(wETHAddress: string, daiAddress: string) {
// The factory of the Classic Pool.
const classicPoolFactory: Contract = new Contract(
// Gets the address of the ETH/DAI Classic Pool.
// wETH is used internally by the pools.
const poolAddress: string = await classicPoolFactory.getPool(wETHAddress, daiAddress);
// Checks whether the pool exists.
if (poolAddress === ZERO_ADDRESS) {
throw Error('Pool not exists');
// Gets the reserves of the pool.
const pool: Contract = new Contract(poolAddress, this.poolAbi, this.provider);
const reserves: [BigNumber, BigNumber] = await pool.getReserves(); // Returns tuple (uint, uint)
// Sorts the reserves by token addresses.
const [reserveETH, reserveDAI] = wETHAddress < daiAddress ? reserves : [reserves[1], reserves[0]];
// The input amount of ETH
const value = 100000000;
// Constructs the swap paths with steps.
// Determine withdraw mode, to withdraw native ETH or wETH on last step.
// 0 - vault internal transfer
// 1 - withdraw and unwrap to naitve ETH
// 2 - withdraw and wrap to wETH
const withdrawMode = 1; // 1 or 2 to withdraw to user's wallet
const swapData: string = defaultAbiCoder.encode(
["address", "address", "uint8"],
[wETHAddress, this.signer.address, withdrawMode], // tokenIn, to, withdraw mode
// We have only 1 step.
const steps = [{
pool: poolAddress,
data: swapData,
callback: ZERO_ADDRESS, // we don't have a callback
callbackData: '0x',
// If we want to use the native ETH as the input token,
// the `tokenIn` on path should be replaced with the zero address.
// Note: however we still have to encode the wETH address to pool's swap data.
const nativeETHAddress = ZERO_ADDRESS;
// We have only 1 path.
const paths = [{
steps: steps,
tokenIn: nativeETHAddress,
amountIn: value,
// Gets the router contract.
const router: Contract = new Contract(this.routerAddress, this.routerAbi, this.provider);
// Note: checks approval for ERC20 tokens.
// The router will handle the deposit to the pool's vault account.
const response = await router.swap(
paths, // paths
0, // amountOutMin // Note: ensures slippage here
BigNumber.from(Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)).add(1800), // deadline // 30 minutes
value: value,
await response.wait();
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