
A Pool describes a specific AMM trading algorithm and enables the storage and transfer of funds through the Vault.

Currently, there are two types of pools.

  • Classic Pool for general purpose

  • Stable Pool for efficient stablecoin exchange

Prefund the Pool with Vault

Like Uniswap V2 pools, the pool must be prefund before executing swapping. However, different from directly transferring tokens to the pool contract, caller have to prefund the pool via Vault deposit.

Here is an example.

// ...

// Transfer tokens from user and prefund the pool.
if (token == NATIVE_ETH) {
    // Deposit ETH to the vault.
    IVault(vault).deposit{value: amount}(token, pool);
} else {
    // Transfer tokens to the vault.
    TransferHelper.safeTransferFrom(token, msg.sender, vault, amount);

    // Notify the vault to deposit.
    IVault(vault).deposit(token, pool);

// Execute swap with the pool.

Withdraw Tokens to Recipient

The withdrawMode on swapping will determine how to send the swapped tokens.

A withdrawMode of 0 will do an internal transfer. Please specify a withdraw mode, no matter whether the token is ETH, if you want to send the swapped tokens to the user account instead of leaving them in the vault. The withdraw mode has no effects on ERC20 tokens.

The following is the transfer implementation of pools.

// Transfer swapped tokens to recipient.
function _transferTokens(address token, address to, uint amount, uint8 withdrawMode) private {
    if (withdrawMode == 0) {
        IVault(vault).transfer(token, to, amount);
    } else {
        IVault(vault).withdrawAlternative(token, to, amount, withdrawMode);


The sender needs to be equal to msg.sender or sent from a trusted forwarder (the router), otherwise will be set to address(0) when passing to the callback.

// The standard interface.
interface IPool {
    struct TokenAmount {
        address token;
        uint amount;

    /// @dev Returns the address of pool master.
    function master() external view returns (address);

    /// @dev Returns the vault.
    function vault() external view returns (address);

    // [Deprecated] This is the interface before the dynamic fees update.
    /// @dev Returns the pool type.
    function poolType() external view returns (uint16);

    /// @dev Returns the assets of the pool.
    function getAssets() external view returns (address[] memory assets);

    // [Deprecated] This is the interface before the dynamic fees update.
    /// @dev Returns the swap fee of the pool.
    // This function will forward calls to the pool master.
    // function getSwapFee() external view returns (uint24 swapFee);
     // [Recommended] This is the latest interface.
    /// @dev Returns the swap fee of the pool.
    /// This function will forward calls to the pool master.
    function getSwapFee(
        address sender, address tokenIn, address tokenOut, bytes calldata data
    ) external view returns (uint24 swapFee);

    /// @dev Returns the protocol fee of the pool.
    function getProtocolFee() external view returns (uint24 protocolFee);

    // [Deprecated] The old interface for Era testnet.
    /// @dev Mints liquidity.
    // The data for Classic and Stable Pool is as follows.
    // `address _to = abi.decode(_data, (address));`
    //function mint(bytes calldata data) external returns (uint liquidity);
    /// @dev Mints liquidity.
    function mint(
        bytes calldata data,
        address sender,
        address callback,
        bytes calldata callbackData
    ) external returns (uint liquidity);

    // [Deprecated] The old interface for Era testnet.
    /// @dev Burns liquidity.
    // The data for Classic and Stable Pool is as follows.
    // `(address _to, uint8 _withdrawMode) = abi.decode(_data, (address, uint8));`
    //function burn(bytes calldata data) external returns (TokenAmount[] memory amounts);

    /// @dev Burns liquidity.
    function burn(
        bytes calldata data,
        address sender,
        address callback,
        bytes calldata callbackData
    ) external returns (TokenAmount[] memory tokenAmounts);

    // [Deprecated] The old interface for Era testnet.
    /// @dev Burns liquidity with single output token.
    // The data for Classic and Stable Pool is as follows.
    // `(address _tokenOut, address _to, uint8 _withdrawMode) = abi.decode(_data, (address, address, uint8));`
    //function burnSingle(bytes calldata data) external returns (uint amountOut);

    /// @dev Burns liquidity with single output token.
    function burnSingle(
        bytes calldata data,
        address sender,
        address callback,
        bytes calldata callbackData
    ) external returns (TokenAmount memory tokenAmount);

    // [Deprecated] The old interface for Era testnet.
    /// @dev Swaps between tokens.
    // The data for Classic and Stable Pool is as follows.
    // `(address _tokenIn, address _to, uint8 _withdrawMode) = abi.decode(_data, (address, address, uint8));`
    //function swap(bytes calldata data) external returns (uint amountOut);

    /// @dev Swaps between tokens.
    function swap(
        bytes calldata data,
        address sender,
        address callback,
        bytes calldata callbackData
    ) external returns (TokenAmount memory tokenAmount);

// The base interface, with two tokens and Liquidity Pool (LP) token.
interface IBasePool is IPool, IERC20Permit2 {
    function token0() external view returns (address);
    function token1() external view returns (address);

    function reserve0() external view returns (uint);
    function reserve1() external view returns (uint);
    function invariantLast() external view returns (uint);

    function getReserves() external view returns (uint, uint);
    // [Deprecated] The old interface for Era testnet.
    //function getAmountOut(address tokenIn, uint amountIn) external view returns (uint amountOut);
    //function getAmountIn(address tokenOut, uint amountOut) external view returns (uint amountIn);

    function getAmountOut(address tokenIn, uint amountIn, address sender) external view returns (uint amountOut);
    function getAmountIn(address tokenOut, uint amountOut, address sender) external view returns (uint amountIn);

    event Mint(
        address indexed sender,
        uint amount0,
        uint amount1,
        uint liquidity,
        address indexed to

    event Burn(
        address indexed sender,
        uint amount0,
        uint amount1,
        uint liquidity,
        address indexed to

    event Swap(
        address indexed sender,
        uint amount0In,
        uint amount1In,
        uint amount0Out,
        uint amount1Out,
        address indexed to

    event Sync(
        uint reserve0,
        uint reserve1

// The Classic Pool.
interface IClassicPool is IBasePool {

// The Stable Pool with the additional multiplier for pool tokens.
interface IStablePool is IBasePool {
    function token0PrecisionMultiplier() external view returns (uint);
    function token1PrecisionMultiplier() external view returns (uint);

// The interface of callback (optional).
interface ICallback {

    struct BaseMintCallbackParams {
        address sender;
        address to;
        uint reserve0;
        uint reserve1;
        uint balance0;
        uint balance1;
        uint amount0;
        uint amount1;
        uint fee0;
        uint fee1;
        uint newInvariant;
        uint oldInvariant;
        uint totalSupply;
        uint liquidity;
        uint24 swapFee;
        bytes callbackData;
    function syncSwapBaseMintCallback(BaseMintCallbackParams calldata params) external;

    struct BaseBurnCallbackParams {
        address sender;
        address to;
        uint balance0;
        uint balance1;
        uint liquidity;
        uint totalSupply;
        uint amount0;
        uint amount1;
        uint8 withdrawMode;
        bytes callbackData;
    function syncSwapBaseBurnCallback(BaseBurnCallbackParams calldata params) external;

    struct BaseBurnSingleCallbackParams {
        address sender;
        address to;
        address tokenIn;
        address tokenOut;
        uint balance0;
        uint balance1;
        uint liquidity;
        uint totalSupply;
        uint amount0;
        uint amount1;
        uint amountOut;
        uint amountSwapped;
        uint feeIn;
        uint24 swapFee;
        uint8 withdrawMode;
        bytes callbackData;
    function syncSwapBaseBurnSingleCallback(BaseBurnSingleCallbackParams calldata params) external;

    struct BaseSwapCallbackParams {
        address sender;
        address to;
        address tokenIn;
        address tokenOut;
        uint reserve0;
        uint reserve1;
        uint balance0;
        uint balance1;
        uint amountIn;
        uint amountOut;
        uint feeIn;
        uint24 swapFee;
        uint8 withdrawMode;
        bytes callbackData;
    function syncSwapBaseSwapCallback(BaseSwapCallbackParams calldata params) external;

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