Pool Master

The pool master contract is the registry and entrance of all liquidity pools.

The SyncSwap Pool Master contract is a central component in the SyncSwap ecosystem, designed to manage swap fees, whitelist factories, oversee protocol fees, and maintain a registry of pools. This contract provides a unified interface for querying and managing fees across different pool types and serves as a unique registry for all pools within the SyncSwap network.


  1. Fee Management:

    • The Pool Master contract interacts with a Fee Manager to handle swap fees and protocol fees.

    • It provides functions to query the swap fee and protocol fee for a specific pool.

  2. Factory Whitelisting:

    • Only whitelisted factories are allowed to create and register pools.

    • The contract maintains a mapping to track which factories are whitelisted.

  3. Pool Registry:

    • The contract keeps a registry of all pools, including their configuration and types.

    • Pools are registered by their factory upon creation and are indexed by a hash of their configuration.

  4. Pool Creation and Registration:

    • Factories can create new pools and register them with the Pool Master.

    • During registration, the contract checks for duplication to ensure each pool is unique.


The contract emits various events to notify about key actions:

  • SetFactoryWhitelisted: Emitted when a factory's whitelist status is updated.

  • RegisterPool: Emitted when a new pool is registered.

  • UpdateForwarderRegistry: Emitted when the forwarder registry is updated.

  • UpdateFeeManager: Emitted when the fee manager is updated.

Main Functions:

  • setForwarderRegistry(address newForwarderRegistry): Updates the forwarder registry address.

  • setFeeManager(address newFeeManager): Updates the fee manager address.

  • setFactoryWhitelisted(address factory, bool whitelisted): Adds or removes a factory from the whitelist.

  • createPool(address factory, bytes calldata data): Creates a new pool using a whitelisted factory.

  • registerPool(address pool, uint16 poolType, bytes calldata data, address token0, address token1): Registers a newly created pool.

The SyncSwap Pool Master contract is a critical component that ensures the smooth operation and governance of pools within the SyncSwap ecosystem. It centralizes the management of fees, factory whitelisting, and pool registry, providing a robust and secure infrastructure for liquidity pools.

Last updated